Monday, July 30, 2007

Eggs and Diet Soda (but not together -- in fact, enjoy one and avoid the other!)

"Slowly the evidence is mounting that there is absolutely no need to be afraid of eating eggs, despite the fact that they are high in cholesterol."

"The other interesting study that was publicized this week noted an association between soda pop, both diet and regular, and metabolic syndrome and heart disease. The association for regular pop is a no-brainer, but that diet pop is also problematic is surprising, as diet pop contains no sugar nor high fructose corn syrup, so why would such an association exist?"

Read the entire post online on Vreni Gurd's blog:

Body Detox

Check this out:

(We've ordered one box of these to try.)


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Practical Uses for Soda

This is awesome! A handy reference for later. But it does make you think: people actually want to drink this stuff? And it does all this? =-)

(I bought a 2-liter Coke just last week to keep working on cleaning up an old cast iron skillet David's grandmother left here. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, though -- but I have done this before after I let my cast iron skillet, the one I now use all the time, get rusty a year or so back.)

Fast Food Strawberry Milkshakes

Another good video by Luci Locke, this one on the ingredients in a fast food strawberry milkshake. I hope it makes you think twice before you order! (And even better, maybe not go at all ....)


"Natural" Soft Drinks - a video by Luci Locke

I thought this video was great. Should you buy (and drink) the new "healthy" soft drinks and teas? Well, it depends ....

Sugar in our Diet

Another link from

Primitive Diet

Here's a video posted on Of course I don't agree with the evolutionary part of this video, but the experiment and results (9 volunteers in a zoo for 12 days, eating an "ape-like" diet) are really neat! I enjoyed watching this.